OkcPets Magazine September 2020
September/October 2020 • OKC Pets 9 I have two Westies, one around 14 years old (MacTwo) and the other around 5 years old (Jolene). They follow a line of about six to eight Westies that we’ve rescued. Anyone with a Westie (West Highland White Terrier) usually ends up with two. Terriers are feisty, full of energy and attitude. I know from experience that having two far lessens the destruction of your house and shoes. They keep each other occupied rather than attacking your stuff. When my husband passed away a year and a half ago, I found they were the solution to my broken heart. If it weren’t for my Westies, I don’t think I could have entered my house again. But there they were at the door, barking—two white fur babies with big brown eyes, little black noses and wagging tails. It didn’t matter if I was gone 10 minutes, 10 hours or 10 days, the hysterical reaction was always the same. The weird thing was, they somehow sensed the moment I turned into my neighborhood because there they were, ready and waiting at the back door. How did they know? It’s a mystery to me. So, now with the COVID-19 crisis and the “shelter in place” requirements, we are bonded as never before. MacTwo is content to nap constantly and follows me around, seemingly grumbling, “Is she ever gonna stop WRITTEN BY: Sherri Goodall ME AND MY DOGS AND COVID Jolene and her “Chewy Vuitton” purse.
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