TulsaPets Magazine September 2020
12 TulsaPets • September/October 2020 so I can just collapse somewhere and nap?” Jolene, on the other hand, has interpreted this entire experience to mean “more attention for me!” Jolene’s favorite toy is a soft, chewy Louis Vuitton purse, complete with the famous pattern and a handle. She’s adopted this new desire to constantly play, and I mean constantly (I throw it, she fetches it—inside or outside, doesn’t matter). She carries it around, pushing it into my leg, my face, whatever. She’s even figured out a way to push open the bedroom door and find me if I’m in the bathroom. No problem, she’ll jump up and deposit her chewy Vuitton in my lap (Honestly, Jolene, no sense of privacy!). I’m sure she’s thinking, “Well, what else do you have to do?” MacTwo is a little smarter. He’ll go to the treat bin and look at me as if to say, “Are you ever gonna leave? I want my treat!” I think we’re all three getting a bit tired of one another. We live in a small gated community, so lots of walks are possible without exposing ourselves, nor going too far. I only have to eye their leashes for them to go insane with jumping and barking. Unfortunately, I keep other things in that closet, so I have to sneak in to get what I want without them knowing. There are a couple of other little dogs in our neighborhood, so sometimes we all walk, trying to keep our distance while the dogs get tangled up in one another’s leashes. We decided play dates in each neighbor’s yard is a much better idea. As I’m sure other pets are becoming more and more spoiled, mine definitely are. Jolene is a master at hanging around the kitchen. MacTwo couldn’t care less; he’s a fussy eater. Not Jolene—if it isn’t nailed down, she’ll eat it. Yes, we’re all spending more time in the kitchen, and we’re all getting a bit chubby. Jolene has discovered she can lick the dishes as I put them in the dishwasher—a trick one of my other female Westies learned. I also had a little “staircase” built for her after my husband died so she can sit in his chair at the kitchen table. I used to have to lift her up all the time, and she’s a solid little gal, around 15 pounds. It was a bit like lifting a bowling ball. So now, she sits and eyes every bite I take, hoping I’ll spit one up so she can grab it. I’m immensely grateful for my little buddies. We keep one another entertained, even though MacTwo and I find a finite amount of time to be best, while Jolene is sticking her chewy Vuitton in our faces. When this is all over—and it will be over— hundreds of thousands of us pet owners are gonna have some pretty cranky pets on hand, who’ve known the exceptional joys of having their humans around 24/7. Speaking for myself, I can’t wait to go to the treat closet, hand out the treats and leave! Jolene in her “dinner chair.”
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