TulsaPets Magazine September 2020
14 TulsaPets • September/October 2020 PETS ARE IMPORTANT TO PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY THE HOMEBOUND. R Pets are important to people, especially the homebound. They foster a sense of security, help combat loneliness and increase a person’s wellness. The importance of companionship animals has become even more vital as the COVID-19 pandemic has placed our most vulnerable neighbors into deeper isolation. The PAWS program is a pet food program that helps ensure that seniors maintain healthy diets without sacrificing their meal to protect their pet from hunger. SUPPORT THE MEALS ON WHEELS PAWS PROGRAM Get involved today at MealsOnWheelsTulsa.org/PAWS You can provide a month’s worth of meals for a companionship animal for only $15.00. Seniors & Pets MEALS ON WHEELS OF METRO TULSA PAWS PET FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM HELPS SENIORS AND THEIR PETS WRITTEN BY: Lauren Willard During my first week at Meals on Wheels of Metro Tulsa, I received a call from a Home Meal Delivery Program client requesting that his dog be put on the Pets Assisting Wellness in Seniors (PAWS) program as soon as possible. As I continued a conversation with the client, I learned he had been out of pet food for a week. I offered to take a bag of dog food to hold him over until the next delivery. When I visited the client, I discovered he had been feeding his dog with part of his Meals on Wheels dinners. The client relied on those meals each day to survive, and he sacrificed his nutrition to make sure his pet did not go hungry. This showed me from the very beginning how important pets are to our clients. It inspired me to work hard to ensure that all Meals on Wheels clients know of the PAWS program and feel confident about keeping their pets in their homes. In my current role as Meals on Wheels’ Special Projects Coordinator (SPC), I am responsible for three vital programs, including the PAWS program. As an owner of two wildly energetic and loving kittens, I understand the incredible impact that animals can have on our lives. When I get up in the morning and come home from work, my kittens are the first ones to attack me with love and make me feel as if all is right with the world. That is the feeling I want each of my clients to have by keeping their pets in their homes. The Meals on Wheels PAWS program is primarily a pet food program that allows us to provide a month’s supply of pet food to our clients who need it. Much like our regular hot meal delivery, we have a group of volunteers who deliver pet food to clients all over the city. Instead of daily delivery, we deliver pet food on the third Saturday of each month. A pet can foster a sense of security, combat loneliness and increase homebound seniors’ overall well-being. This program takes the stress off of pet-owning clients by eliminating pet food costs from their monthly bills. It also allows our clients to enjoy their pets without wondering where their next meal is coming from. The PAWS program has been growing rapidly during the past few months, and we would not be able to support such growth if it was not for the generous support of our community partners and independent donors. Meals on Wheels of Metro Tulsa currently does not receive any government or public funding. We rely completely on the generosity and compassion of local donors. We can really use more people who have a passion for pets and understand their impact on our seniors’ well-being. We are always seeking new volunteers, financial supporters and vocal supporters to let more people know how they can help. For more information, visit mealsonwheelstulsa.org .
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