OKC Pets Magazine Nov/Dec 2020
November/December 2020 • OKC Pets 11 “Zuri was at risk of injuring his other leg by the added weight and stress of hobbling, and Maddie has struggled with rear leg weakness,” Jennie says. “She can get around without it, but it’s hard on her, and she tires easily without it. The adaptations she has made without it would have eventually led to severe arthritis, so it’s definitely really important to both of their well-beings. It will help them immensely; they will be able to ambulate without pain and without causing long- term damage to their other limbs by overcompensating.” Jennie adds both animals have a unique personality all their own. “Zuri is very friendly and very talkative. He likes to be involved in whatever is going on, and he likes to be held and sung to. He is very affectionate and very outgoing,” she says. “Maddie is quiet and shy, but once she warms up to someone, she loves to lay her head in your lap. She scares easily and prefers to be with her friend Indy, who is in a wheelchair. She’s a very sweet but quiet little lamb.” Thanks to the unique expertise of Celerity Prosthetics, both of these special animals will soon be able to navigate the farm smoothly, increasing their quality of life. “We absolutely adore Celerity and their huge hearts!” Jennie exclaims. “They are one-of-a-kind people, and because of their generosity and kindness, we are able to give our animal residents the best lives possible. Teamwork really does make the dream work, and it’s always really incredible when people can come together for the greater good.” Oliver and Friends is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit animal rescue and sanctuary located in Luther. They are funded 100% by donations from the public and operate entirely by volunteer staff. Hence, they are always looking for experienced volunteers. “While our primary focus is special needs farm animals, we also actively rescue domestic animals, like special needs or medical case dogs and cats,” Jennie says. “We also advocate for a compassionate plant-based lifestyle because we believe all animals, including cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys, are just as sensitive, intelligent and worthy of love and safety as dogs and cats.” For more information, visit oliverandfriends.org and celerityprosthetics.com. Testing out the prosthetic limb Andy and Jennie fitting Zuri with her new “foot.” Andy and Jennie work on Zuri’s new fitting. Oliver and Friends is home to mostly special needs animals.
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