OKC Pets Magazine Nov/Dec 2020

November/December 2020 • OKC Pets 13 K athy Dinh learned the hard way that while her two Labrador dogs were great at hiking, they weren’t meant for the water. From the time they were 6 months old, Kathy and her husband Davey took the pups out on trails with them, camped in tents with them, and brought them out to the wild places they adventured to. The kayaks and canoes, however, were a different story. “We had two kayaks and had a dog in each kayak. Kiedis saw Lucy in the other kayak and tried to jump out of my kayak over to her,” Kathy said. “We tried canoeing once. Kiedis saw some people on the shore and jumped out of the canoe and flipped us.” These days, Kathy and her husband keep their dogs on the hiking trails when they are out adventuring, but now they avoid the water. Like many pet owners, they want their dogs to share adventures with them. Kiedis is a hyper dog who likes to run ahead and jump around. Lucy is a bit more sedate, but Kathy said being attentive to each dog when outdoors is the key to her success. The Making of an Adventure Dog EXPERT ADVICE FOR SHARING THE GREAT OUTDOORS WITH YOUR CANINE COMPANION WRITTEN BY: Heide Brandes