OkcPets Magazine January 2021

January/February 2021 • OKC Pets 23 nies recommend feeding your dog more than it actually needs. Their goal is to sell as much dog food as possible, so the more your pup eats, the more you buy. If you can afford it, go for it. But keep in mind, this food is usually very rich, and it could be difficult to use treats and snacks to train your dog if it eats like a king or queen every meal. 3 Cleaning supplies. Accidents are inevitable, and you will want to be prepared. Nature’s Miracle is a great brand that is pet safe and works well. You should purchase pet-safe surface cleaner and carpet cleaner. Be careful as some household cleaners contain chemicals that can be deadly to your dogs.  What’s next? 1 Make a schedule/puppy proof your home. Having a schedule to follow will help your pup know what is expected of him and aids in potty training. What goes in, must come out. This means that every time your dog eats or drinks water, he will need to eliminate within the next 10 to 20 minutes if not earlier.  Having a routine will help everyone in the family be consistent. The more consistent you are, the more successful you and your pup will be.  Puppy proof? You better believe it! Most new dog owners ask me how to get their dog to stop chewing on their shoes, children’s toys and even to stop jumping on the counter. The best approach is prevention. Puppy proof your home the same way you would baby proof your house.  2 Make a veterinary appointment. You will need to get your dog examined and scheduled for any remaining shots. It’s also important to visit the veterinarian even when you don’t have an appointment. What do I mean? Well, many dogs consider the vet as a scary, bad place. The next time you are out with your pup, just stop in to say hello, give your dog some treats in the waiting room and leave.  3 Pick up something for your dog to play with and chew on. If you don’t provide your pup with approved items, then you can say goodbye to your nice shoes! Chew bones and KONG toys that you can stuff with goodies are a good place to start. Try to get toys that cannot be destroyed easily. Rope toys are great. Once a toy is ripped open, you must throw it away immediately for safety.  If you need more help, find a positive rein- forcement trainer in your area who can help you raise your loving dog. You can always reach out to me at GreatestAmericanDogTrainers.com if you need anything!