OkcPets Magazine July 2021
4 OKC Pets • July/August 2021 I always love a good rescue story, and Archie’s story in this issue takes the cake as one of the best I’ve encountered. Abandoned and parvo positive, little Archie won big time when Katy Hawkins fell head over heels in love with him. You gotta read all about his saga and happy outcome on page 14. It’s a feel-good story! Palomar is an invaluable gift and vital resource to women, children and animals suffering domestic abuse in the OKC area. We’ve included an update on how far they’ve come in their short existence. OKC is indeed blessed to have such an organization, and we’re thrilled to bring you this follow-up story. OKC is also very blessed to have such a great group of dedicated, expert veterinarians, and some of them tell their story right here in our annual vet issue. We do appreciate all of our advertising vets, and thank you to those who participated with us this year. And that brings us to Elu, the great wolfdog, written by Nancy Galli- more. It’s tragic that people breed these animals with not much hope for a fulfilling life, and Nancy brings valuable information to the table about their predicament. I’m personally thrilled that Elu is living her best, hap- piest life now in Colorado with another wolfdog playmate, Xena. Another happy ending story of rescue! And who knew a baby skunk could be sooo cute? Kim Doner contrib- utes her knowledge about these somewhat stinky critters and the reasons why we shouldn’t keep them as pets. She’s knowledgeable in the wildlife arena—she even knows what works, or doesn’t, to remedy the smell if you are unfortunately sprayed. Learn all about the striped skunk here. So in signing off, we wish you a fun, safe and memorable remainder to your summer. We’ll be rolling back around in September with some fall fun. All the best, Marilyn, with Elmer FROM THE PUBLISHER Elmer OKC Pets Volume 8, Number 4 PUBLISHER Marilyn King 405.397.4310 mking@okcpetsmagazine.com EDITOR Anna Holton-Dean 830.837.1662 anna.holton@gmail.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Amanda Watkins WEB MANAGER/AD SALES Steve Kirkpatrick 405.397.2740 steve@okcpetsmagazine.com ADVERTISING SALES Marilyn King 405.397.4310 mking@okcpetsmagazine.com Steve Kirkpatrick 405.397.2740 steve@okcpetsmagazine.com Michael Bell (405) 439-8741 michael.okcpetsmag@gmail.com Rosalie Childs 918.630.5775 rfchilds@me.com Rowena Mills 918.274.9251 hrmills444@yahoo.com Tracy Bush tracy.okcpetsmag@gmail.com (405) 254-7127 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Michael Bell Heide Brandes Kaycee Chance Kim Doner Melissa Fell Nancy Gallimore Katy Hawkins Shauna Struby 405-397-4310 www.okcpetsmagazine.com P.O. Box 14128 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-1128 ©2021 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ON THE COVER Archie An abandoned dog hits the big time! Photo courtesy of Katy Hawkins
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