OkcPets Magazine July 2021

6 OKC Pets • July/August 2021 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Michael Bell Heide Brandes Kaycee Chance Melissa Fell Shauna Struby Katy Hawkins Nancy Gallimore Kim Doner FEATURES JULY/AUGUST 2021 8 The Striped Skunk Dealing with these Pepe Le Pews 11 Alternative Dispute Resolution It doesn’t have to get ugly 14 Archie’s Story From sick and abandoned to life-saving cover star 16 DVM Feature Article Carrying on with care 26 Elu’s Fairytale How the wolfdog became a princess 30 Boarding Spotlight Pawparazzi K9 Enrichment Resort 36 Raising Humane Kids Teaching compassion for animals 40 Update on Animal Advocacy Program Palomar and OHS’program for domestic violence victims and their pets 42 2021 Redbud Classic Introducing the 1-MileWoof Walk 8 14 16 30 DEPARTMENTS 36 Pet-Friendly Patio Reviews 22 Earl’s Rib Palace 34 Solo’s Park & Pub 44 Pets About Town 45 Directory Products, services and friends of pets