OkcPets Magazine July 2021
July/August 2021 • OKC Pets 7 Uploads to downloads, on site or remote, we have the right data solutions for your business. visit coxbusiness.com Whether you need gig speeds for an office of 10 or VPN access for 100 remote employees, Cox Business has the technology solutions to make it happen. When you have a secure and reliable network working for you, you can get any job done. • Fiberoptic network with speed options up to 10 Gbps • Data backup support • Network security designed to protect against cyber threats • Flexible plan options Join Our Ole’ Timers Club! Join us on Wednesdays 10 am-1 pm for our Seniors’ Program. You don’t have to be a senior to join in! Refreshments provided or you’re welcome to bring something to share. Come groom on donkeys, miniatures or even some horses. No experience needed; we will teach you. For those who just want to socialize, you can also help with basic chores or organizing supplies. There’s something for everyone! T-shirts are available for purchase ($20), and you can also donate to help a senior get theirs if you like. Email plainswindrdr@gmail.com fo r details. Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ HFOleTimersClub We’re Back! We need donations for our raised gardening beds for Ole’ Timers! Donations are needed to provide the Standard of Care that we do. COVID-19 has affected prices of hay, grain, supplements and more. Please donate to help the horses and also support our Seniors’ Program. horsefeathersequinecenter.org 405-260-7281 6320 N. Highway 74C | Guthrie, OK 73044
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