OkcPets Magazine July 2022

July / August 2022 • OK C Pets 23 117 NW 142nd Street, Edmond, OK 73013 ¨ (405) 201-2991 ¨ pawparazziresort.com W e are proud to be the FIRST in Oklahoma to offer these specially-designed programs for your dog! This is not your typical “dog daycare.” This is “Enrichment Daycare” and it’s much better for most dogs! Small groups = a safer experience. Mentally stimulating activities = less behavior issues, happier, more confident dogs and much more. We will provide each dog with a holistic view made up of engaging activities and experi- ences. They have four main activity stations each day along with a Group play station and Chill Zone/story-time station. Total of 6-7 stations per day. Once they complete those stations, they rotate through them again. We also have a themed art project and monthly themed photoshoot each month! These activities and experiences will chal- lenge dogs in different aspects including physical, social, cognitive and sensory. We believe in tapping the mind, body and soul of every dog! E N R I C HME N T DOG D AY C A R E F I R S T I N OK L A HOMA Puppy Enrichment Program, Enrichment Daycare and Memberships Available! Become a Club Member! We have membership options to fit everyone. WE OFFER A VARIETY OF LUXURY ACCOMMODATIONS TO FIT YOUR NEEDS. Each includes a full day of Enrichment Daycare. Check out our website for additional perks.