OkcPets Magazine May 2022
May/June 2022 • OKC Pets 15 Sustainable Change Pat Becker’s Animal Advocacy Aids Heifer International by Rowena Mills A fter Pat Becker moved from Oklahoma to Arkansas three years ago, she discov- ered a new focus for her interest in animals — a worldwide organiza- tion called Heifer International. Becker, whose movie and television acting credits include A Guide for the Married Man , In Like Flint , and the Batman series, is also an animal advocate and a certified dog trainer. She produced and hosted Dog Talk on Oklahoma City KAUT Channel 43 and the award-win- ning series The World of Dogs on the Public Broadcasting Service. Becker and her husband, Jim Wallis, have rescued numerous dogs. She has written children’s books about animals, and she sponsors other authors who write about animals. She encourages quality existence for animals and says children’s involvement with animals imparts responsibility and compassion. “My mission is to help educate children to be kind to animals,” Becker says. Through her contacts at a recording studio, Becker met Stephanie Chesher, senior director of Heifer International, which has head- quarters in Little Rock. Chesher invited Becker to visit Heifer Ranch near Per- ryville, Arkansas. Heifer International Heifer International is a global nonprofit organization that works to eradicate poverty and hunger through sustainable community development. Since Dan West founded the organization in 1944, Heifer has helped more than 39 million families. Working in 20 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, including the United States, Heifer Interna- tional supports farmers and food producers to strengthen local economies and build secure livelihoods. Heifer International provides feed, irriga- tion, and pregnant animals and trains people how to care for them. The donated animals are native to the countries where Heifer op- erates and are purchased there, says Chesher. Heifer works with small-scale farmers to achieve education for their children. Small farms pro- duce 80 percent of food in the developing world, and women play an important role on those farms and in the world’s food production. Heifer advocates women’s empowerment through gender equality. Heifer Ranch Animals raised at the 1,200- acre Heifer Ranch are donated within the United States, says Chesher. Heifer USA provides farmers access to high-quality training and education, says Liz Ellis, corporate brand partnerships manager of Heifer Internation- al. Its Grass Roots Farmers’ Cooperative supports farmers across the South with access to marketing and sales. A two- pronged approach —training and supporting farmers and building local, sustainable businesses using regenerative farming practices — is the foun- dation needed for inclusive rural food systems and economies to thrive, Ellis points out. Heifer Ranch recently became a Savory Global Network hub. Ellis says the partner- ship with the Savory Institute aims to train more farmers in regenerative agriculture and holistic management to combat climate change. Donna Kilpatrick, Heifer Ranch manager and land steward, says, “As a Savory Hub, Heifer USA is applying best-in-class expertise to the farms and cooperatives it works with Pat Becker pauses with her canine companions Barney the Beagle (left) and Rebel the TreeingWalker Hound. Photo courtesy of Pat Becker.
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