OkcPets Magazine May 2022

6 OKC Pets • May/June 2022 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Heide Brandes Kaycee Chance Travis Brorsen Sherri Goodall FEATURES MAY/JUNE 2022 8 Focus on Felines Paw prints on the heart: Florence Nightingale pioneered compassionate care 11 Fourth of July and Pets Not a good combination! 15 Sustainable Change Pat Becker’s animal advocacy aids Heifer International 18 Working on the Unchain Gang Improving quality of life for Oklahoma’s chained dogs 22 Who Rescues Whom? Blessings go both ways withWestie rescues 24 Boarding Spotlight Urban Dog House: Canines get lots of love 28 Canine Feeding Frenzy What you should and shouldn’t do 30 Don’t Stress Meowt Cat café is a first for Oklahoma 34 Guarding against Abuse Palomar’s Animal Advocacy Program helps people and pets 36 Pets with Jobs Lilygrass flowers and décor: Rosco draws customers to the shop 38 Be a Good Neighbor Avoid trapping and relocating wildlife 24 18 28 DEPARTMENTS 38 42 Pets about Town 44 Welcome, New Advertiser OKKat Photography 45 Directory Products, services, and friends of pets 30 Karen Holman Rowena Mills Jennifer Sharpe Kristy Wicker Inger Guiffrida Nancy Gallimore