OkcPets Magazine November 2021

20 OKC Pets • November/December 2021 main testing laboratories — IDEXX and Antech — so no data could be collected.) The dark orange counties indicate the high- est amount of positive cases. Upon pulling data from my own hos- pital, I did confirm that percentage to be accurate for us as well. From January 2021 to October 2021, we have completed 2,970 heartworm tests. Sixty-eight of those were positive — a 2.2% positivity rate. That’s almost two positive dogs per week at our hospital alone. Why are we worried about heartworms? Simple — they can cause significant lasting heart damage and eventually kill the pet. Like in Luke’s case, we see pets in our hos- pital that have not been on prevention and develop serious symptoms. Coughing, leth- argy, sudden collapse, harsh lung sounds, labored breathing and more are cause for concern. By the time your pet exhibits these symptoms, damage has been done to the heart, and many times, they only get worse over time. Even if your pets do not have symptoms yet but are discovered to be heartworm-pos- itive, they cannot undergo routine surgical procedures like spay or neuter or dental cleanings due to anesthesia risks. I would rather spend around $150 per year for prevention than see my dog go through painful and restrictive heartworm treatment that costs $2,000-$4,000 with increased risk of other issues as well. With so many terrible effects of heart- worms and extremely expensive treatment, it is clear that year-round prevention is the only course of action for the protection of your beloved furry sidekick. For more information on heartworms, please visit heartwormsociety.org and capc.com . Thank you greater-OKC for your support in 2021! Happy holidays and here’s to a great 2022! Merry Christmas to all and a special thank you to all of our wonderful clients for their support in 2021! (405) 6647680 • campgraceok.com Let’s ring in the new year for a great 2022. Okoboji Veterinary Hospital 1020 NW 192nd St., Suite L | Edmond, OK 73012 405-513-5905