OkcPets Magazine November 2021

36 OKC Pets • November/December 2021 CALLING ALL Animal Advocates, Municipals And Communities! COMMON BONDS is an organization of animal advocates, caregivers, educators, and rescuers working to save more animal lives. Our SHARED GOAL is to increase the live release rate of cats and dogs in Oklahoma shelters to 90 percent by 2025. According to Best Friends Animal Society’s pet lifesaving dashboard, Oklahoma’s 2020 SAVE RATE was 78 percent and our state ranks eighth in the United States for animal euthanasia. Many communities are STEPPING UP in big ways to change the numbers, and Common Bonds recognizes those towns and cities for MAKING A DIFFERENCE . So far, Common Bonds has recognized the City of Enid and the City of Ponca City for their commitment to saving more animal lives. Additionally, Common Bonds will recognize the city of Altus in 2021, with eight additional towns and cities named in 2022. Nominate your city by contacting Common Bonds at info@ commonbondsok.org