OkcPets Magazine November 2023

November / December 2023 • OKC Pets 25 DOGGY DAY CARE AND BOARDING • ENRICHMENT • GROOMING PROUDLY SPONSORED BY CAMP BOW WOW EDMOND Dear Santa, we need: U Purina Wet and Dry Dog Food We especially love Purina Chophouse for administering medications U Friskies Wet Cat Food U Non-Clumping Cat Litter U Nylabones and Kong Toys U Kuranda Beds Cat and Dog Siz e Guthrie, OK www.freetoliveok.org TWO DOGS DIVERGED FEMALE VETERAN OWNED REACTIVITY & PREVENTION Clarity, Consistency and Communication as a team. www.twodogsdiverged.com • 805-758-1878 twodogsdivergedbehavior@gmail.com