OkcPets Magazine November 2023

30 OKC Pets • November / December 2023 Providing mobile ultrasound services to loc al veterinarians in their hos pital (4 05) 742-7787 ovdionline@gmail.com https://ovdionline.com/ Dr. Jennifer Neitman, DVM, DACVR Ruby’s K9 Corral Boarding & Daycare In T he Clean, Country Air. Call today! 4 05-999-5822 info@rubysk9corral.com www.rubysk9corral.com Pickup and Dropoff in Our Corgi Cab, Daycare, Boarding, and Parties Now Offering Dog Reiki 405-256-7043 | By Appointment Only 107 S. Castle Rock Lane | Mustang, OK thechisolmtails@gmail.com Dear Santa, we need sponsors for special needs and hospice dogs. www.becauseofyourescue.org Sponsored by Dalesandro’s Italian Cuisine Kimberly Weiss, DVM 1916 NW 39th St – OKC (405) 525-2255 clinic@healinghandsvetcenter.com We al so treat birds, pocket pets and exo tics SERVICES • Acupuncture • Chiropractic • Dental • Vaccinations • Digital X-Rays • Therapeutic Laser • Neuters • Phovia Light Therapy 405.960.EYES vecoklahoma.com J. JEFF STUD ER DVM, DACVO 3157 N. Sooner Road Edmond, OK 73034 2121 McKown Drive Norman, OK 73072 VISIONARY CARE FOR PETS