OkcPets Magazine November 2023

4 OKC Pets • November / December 2023 FROM THE PUBLISHER OKC Pets Volume 10, Number 6 PUBLISHER Marilyn King 918.520.0611 mking@okcpetsmagazine.com EDITOR Rowena Mills 918.274.9251 hrmills444@yahoo.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Amanda Bullock WEB MANAGER/AD SALES Steve Kirkpatrick 918.230.2493 steve@okcpetsmagazine.com ADVERTISING SALES Marilyn King 918.520.0611 mking@okcpetsmagazine.com Steve Kirkpatrick 405.397.2740 steve@okcpetsmagazine.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Carol Mowdy Bond Kim Doner Nancy Gallimore Karen Holman Rowena Mills Anne Rener Kelsey Warren-Bryant Anne Wimberly 918.520.0611 www.okcpetsmagazine.com P.O. Box 14128 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-1128 ©2023 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. A s we approach the holidays, warm memories sustain us, and fresh goals beckon us into the new year. Your goals might involve learning about and connecting with animals in new ways. If you enjoyed Kim Doner’s entertaining Critter Collection in the Septem- ber-October 2023 issue, you are in for a treat. We are happy to include Critter Collection Part II in this issue. With his fascination for animals, young Oklahoman Hudson Floyd is well on his way to a career as a naturalist. Carol Mowdy Bond tells us how the seven- year-old studies creatures of all sorts. Rescuing and fostering animals are important roles in our involvement with four-legged friends. Nancy Gallimore gives us a different view of rescued and fostered animals who are loved and respected for their individual personalities and distinctions and not just for being “rescued dogs.” Animal rescue work in Oklahoma is not limited to cats, dogs, and horses. Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue in Perry is part of a nationwide effort started on a small scale two decades ago by Mark and Amy Meyers of Texas. Their efforts have saved thousands of donkeys from neglect and abuse. Don’t miss Anne Rener’s article about wearable technology such as tracker collars for your pets. So make some holiday memories, form some goals for the new year, and reflect on all the ways you can enjoy the animals in your life — now and in the future. Marilyn, with Fred and LeeRoy P.S. A huge shout-out of thanks to Camp Bow Wow, Dalesandro’s Italian Restau- rant, and Liz and Jim Wise for their generosity in sponsoring ads that highlight some of the holiday needs of a few of our local rescue organizations: Free to Live Animal Sanctuary, Because of You Chihuahua Rescue, and Horse Feathers Equine Center! Please put one of these groups on your Santa list! On the Cover Teddy is a sweet, big golden weighing in at almost 90 pounds. He’s almost five and still thinks he’s a lap dog. His “mom” Cindy Goodwin says he’s now a big brother to little sister Winnie. She says he loves Winnie but sometimes wonders why she didn’t leave after a few nights. LeeRoy & Fred Left, Winnie and Teddy.