OkcPets Magazine November 2023
6 OKC Pets • November / December 2023 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS FEATURES NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2023 9 Pets and Their People The five barkitectural phases of getting Gus: Todd Edmonds’canine is a true companion 12 Focus on Felines Military buddies: Cats serve proudly on land, at sea, and in the air 14 Looking for Love Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue finds forever homes 16 A Naturalist in the Making Seven-year-old studies animal life 19 Wearable Technology Trackers aid pet safety and health 23 Family Dogfight Treatment can reduce aggression 26 Critter Collection Part II Add more fun facts to your trivia trove 31 “Rescued” Is Not a Breed Change the mind-set about adopted dogs 36 Pets about Town 37 Directory Products, services, and friends of pets 9 26 19 16 31 Rowena Mills Anne Rener Anne Wimberly Kelsey Warren-Bryant 14 Carol Mowdy Bond Kim Doner Nancy Gallimore Karen Holman
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