OkcPets Magazine November 2023

November / December 2023 • OKC Pets 9 PETS AND THEIR PEOPLE The Five Barkitectural Phases of Getting Gus Todd Edmonds’ Canine Is a True Companion by Anne Cosgrove Wimberly | Photos by Linda Earley T odd Edmonds is an award-winning architect from Oklahoma City. His firm, HSEarchitects, has been selected to design one of Oklahoma City’s MAPS 4 public-improvement projects — the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare facility. As principal at HSEarchitects, Ed- monds will serve as the architect of record and head designer. Even though Edmonds is responsible for designing a shelter for many animals, he is content with personally housing only one. Phase 1: Predesign “I always wanted an Irish setter. One of my best friends growing up had an Irish setter. His name was Red. And I just thought that was the coolest dog,” Edmonds says. Red’s function, form, and beauty attracted Edmonds. Red was the type of dog he would own someday. Edmonds began his tenure as a dog owner while in college. He and his fiancée, Becky, bought a beautiful Dalmatian puppy. “We didn’t know, we were young college students, but Dalmatians are very nervous dogs. They’re not the kind of dog that can just sit and be content,” Edmonds says. Eventually the Edmonds family grew. The parents raised their children, Cody and Emma, with a Cocker Spaniel. The family loved the hyper Cocker but had to remain vigilant. “If I just barely opened the front door, they were gone. You had to get in your car and drive around the neighborhood to find Todd Edmonds and Gus, a blue Doby, communicate as only close companions can.