OklahomaHorses Magazine January 2021

6 OklahomaHorses • January/February 2021 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS FEATURES January/February 2021 8 Wild Horses Couldn’t Stop Her A Girl Scout braves her first ride 12 Barefoot in Oklahoma A new school of thought on equine hoof care 15 Welcome, New Advertiser! A - OK Hay Co. 16 Equine Dental Care Importance of oral exams 18 Protecting Wild Beauty Program for Oklahoma’s majestic mustangs 22 AquaPacer Facts from Superior Therapy LLC Water treadmills for equine conditioning 24 Understanding Colic Workups What to expect, treatments and best outcomes 8 12 16 18 24 Anna Holton- Dean Grace Owen, DVM
 Kris Hiney, DVM Jennifer Hustis Emily Holloman Casie Bazay Mary Westman Summer Terry 27 Horsin’ Around Oklahoma horses across the state 28 Legal Column Private use horse trailers, requirement for ID 30 Directory Products, services and friends of equines DEPARTMENTS