OklahomaHorses Magazine January 2022

14 OklahomaHorses • January/February 2022 cast and crew are a great bunch to work with. I am paid to do everyday cowboy stuff,” Jackson says. “It was funny the way it happened,” said Jackson. “My phone rang at seven o’clock on a Sunday morning. The number was a California number that I didn’t recognize, so I ignored it. That number kept calling throughout the day. Finally, about the sixth or seventh ring, I decided to answer the call.” He grinned. “It was a call to be on the set of Yellowstone .” In 2020, Jackson was called to be a stunt double on the set of The Harder They Fall . The all-black western needed cowboys. Al- though Jackson is not a fan of any racially restricted cast, he accepted the job. “I’m kind of anti–all black or all anything. My nephew has been deployed four times. We are all Americans.” Jackson is simply an all-around nice guy to hang out with. As he told his longtime breakaway-roping girlfriend, Julie Williamson, “When you hang around nice people, you become nicer, and nice things happen to you!” Does Jackson have any special interests? He does admit to enjoying not only the camaraderie behind the scenes at the rodeo but also helping younger guys rope. His level of dedication to rodeo in every aspect has attracted sponsors that include Wil- lard Rope Company, Tres Rios Silver Inc., Brand X Equine, and H & H Tire Service, to whom he is eternally grateful. Horse folks are always interested in knowing about favorite horses and horses on the set. Jackson’s all-time favorite was a yellow mare of Sedgwick Haynes called Shallow. “It’s kind of like being in a mar- riage,” he said. “We just clicked.” On the set of Yellowstone , horses are highly trained for roping, reining, reined cow-horse work or cutting, or any combination of those disciplines. The stunt doubles ride whatever horses they are told to ride. Jackson’s ideology is this: “I try to make the best of everything. If it’s out of my con- trol, I sometimes have to walk away. But I will do what I can to make it better.” For a cowboy with Jackson’s integrity, the world is his oyster. Glenn Jackson and his equine partner RW are prizewinning calf ropers.