OklahomaHorses Magazine March 2022
March/April 2022 • OklahomaHorses 9 When she was a little older, she spent hours with that little pony and developed a strong bond. They were best buds.” Shawna and Troop Duch recognized their daughter’s gifts when she was very young and have supported her dreams as much as possible. Sophie, now 13 years old, is a very accomplished rider, trainer, and performer. She won the 49th Annual Inter- national Finals Rodeo Dress Act Showcase Championship with her Annie Oakley routine, racing around the arena shooting balloons from her horse, then firing a rifle over her shoulder from the ground with a mirror, just as the famed historic sharp- shooter did. Sophie is also an accomplished trick rider and already has a résumé that most adults would be proud of. She per- forms primarily in Oklahoma, Missouri, Texas, and Arkansas but has traveled as far as South Carolina. Sophie’s 10-year-old American Quarter Horse Association buckskin mare, Jessie, was Sophie’s first big horse and her first to perform with. The Duch family start- ed Jessie as a weanling, with mother and daughter teaching her to lead. Dad did the groundwork, and Dale Haraway of Vian trained Jessie under saddle and got her ready for her young rider. Sophie and Jessie started to compete in the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Associa- tion with her dad. Riders in the wrangler class (younger than 12 years) ride the same patterns as adults, but they shoot Holly- wood cap pistols, engaging each target as if they were shooting real blanks. They then shoot the real McCoy (.45 caliber with blanks) at the balloons from the ground while standing stationary with a parent at the side. One afternoon, soon after seeing the Cowgirl Chicks trick riding team perform at a Professional Rodeo Cowboys Associa- tion rodeo, Sophie was riding Jessie across the pasture when Ms. Duch heard her yell- ing, “Look at me!” Sophie had hooked her leg around the horn of her western saddle and was hanging off the side as Jessie loped across the field. The Duchs quickly agreed that they should find Sophie a teacher for Darbie the mare helps Sophie Duch with her workout routine. Photograph by Leigh Ann Matthews. Darbie and Sophie Duch proudly display an American flag. Photograph by Nate Bailey.
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