TulsaPets Magazine January 2021

January/February 2021 • TulsaPets 23 Inhofe even credits a 2018 TulsaPets’ article featuring Pause4Paws, shortly after the nonprofit was founded, as a great asset in recruiting foster families. Also, TU Law students can join the Tulsa County Bar Association and its committees at no cost. “The TCBA wants to welcome them to the legal community and help them get involved,” Inhofe adds. “The Animal Law Committee is ex- cited to have new members from TU’s Paw Law committee join our Animal Law Committee. “It’s fun, too, that one of the TU students who has joined the Animal Law Committee is also a foster for Pause4Paws. I think that animal lovers gravitate toward each other and are always eager to step up to help animals and their people.” MOST LIKELY TO JOIN THE CIRCUS Lulu Owned by Lisa Laughrey BEST RESTING POUNCE FACE Mookie Owned by Katy Inhofe MOST PATRIOTIC Allan, Alle and Brown Owned by Richmond and Lynda Brownson MOST LIKELY TO CATCH A MOUSE Miche Owned by Katy Inhofe PRETTIEST PRINCESS Salem Owned by Tami Williams MOST LIKELY TO JUMP SHIP Binx Owned by Tami Williams To learn more about Pause4Paws, visit pause4pawsok.org. To foster or volunteer, email Executive Director Cindy Webb at cindy@pause4pawsok.org or c all (918) 829-9811.