TulsaPets Magazine January 2023

January / February 2023 • TulsaPets 17 3 Throw a Canine Birthday Party You’ve likely seen other people post pictures on social media of celebrating their dogs’ birthdays, and if not, you’re probably familiar with the concept. Why not go all out yourself this year just to show your pup a little extra love? While you’re at it, snap some cute birthday photos. A canine birthday party can be whatev- er you want it to be. You can invite other people and their dogs, or you can keep it intimate. You can bake a special dog-friend- ly cake or just give your pooch some extra-special treats. You can stay at home or take her somewhere that you know she will enjoy. However you choose to celebrate it, just make it all about your dog, and you will create memories to last a lifetime. 4 Grab a Puppuccino Probably one of the easiest and least expensive items on this list is taking your dog out for a puppuccino, which can be a fun and rare treat. It’s simple too. Just let your pup hop in the car, go through a Starbucks drive-through, and ask for a pup- pucinno. It’s really just a cup of whipped cream, but how often do our dogs get to try the sugary good foods that we have on a regular basis? It’s hilarious to watch dogs messily lap up the cream! 5 Stay at a Pet-Friendly Hotel If it’s within your means, booking a pet-friendly hotel on your next trip and taking your dog along could be a great way to bring some extra excitement into her life (an added bonus is that you don’t have to pay for a dog sitter). Of course, keep your dog’s temperament in mind. If she is prone to anxious behaviors when away from home or if she is not a fan of other dogs, this might not be the activity for you. However, if she is usually well behaved in public, then why not give it a shot? She will probably love those soft hotel sheets just as much as you do. 6 Have a Treat Tasting For humans, tastings exist for just about anything we can think of. One fun idea to add to your dog’s bucket list could be to offer her a treat tasting. The idea is to gather small samples of many kinds of treats from your local pet store or supermarket and spread them on a plate for your dog to try. You can offer them all at once, but your dog would probably gobble up all of them in seconds, so feeding them individually might be more enjoyable. To spice things up, you can add dog-friendly human foods to the mix, such as a spoonful of peanut butter or a slice of carved turkey. When you’re done, set up a tasting for yourself as well. You’ve been working hard on achieving the goals of your dog’s bucket list, after all. You deserve a treat! 7 Go on a Road Trip There’s nothing like traveling the open road, the wind in your hair, your favor- ite tunes blasting on the radio. Best friends make road trips all the better, and so what if your best friend has four paws and a tail? This suggestion can easily be combined with some of the previous ones, but as with everything on this list, keep in mind your pup’s indi- vidual needs. A senior dog with arthritis or a puppy who has barely learned his bathroom routine might do best sitting this one out. A bucket list is a great way to create spe- cial memories with you and your dog. With just a pen and a little thought, you can be one step closer to making your pup’s life just that much more special. And even if you don’t achieve all the items on the list, when it comes to improving the quality of our pets’ lives, isn’t the effort always worth it? This dog overlooks some beautiful scenery while exploring the wilderness with her owner. Taking your dog to the great outdoors is a great way to bond and create life-lasting memories.