TulsaPets Magazine January 2023

January / February 2023 • TulsaPets 27 One Little Ripple The Story of an Old Dog and a New Artist by Nancy Gallimore | Artwork by Phuong Cao I n November of 2021, I wrote a story about my Dalmatian, Howie, 15 closing in on 16 years of age. I knew my boy was nearing the end of his time with me. I wanted to celebrate him while he was still with me instead of waiting to eulogize him. I reflected on how you can never predict when a “last time” is happening. When was the last time he went for a walk with me? When was the last time he jumped up on the bed to sleep at my feet? When was the last time Howie was able to climb the stairs to the second floor of our home without assistance? The answers? Well, there are no answers, you just never know. So the moral of the story was to cherish every moment, from celebrated memories to new routines, because you can’t predict when it’s a last time. I wrote so I would have the article to reflect on when the day came that my boy was resting sweetly in my heart instead of by my side. It would stir memories for me, it would bring a few tears and certainly a lot of smiles. And I also tossed the story out there for other people to see, just as I might toss a pebble into a pond, causing gentle ripples to spread. Maybe someone else would see them, maybe not. If Howie’s story made others smile and sigh a little, perfect. If people closed the magazine and turned to hug their own special senior dogs, what an amazing bonus. The article was written, edited, proofed, published. Howie’s tribute was complete. I grabbed several extra copies of that issue of Tulsa Pets and OKC Pets Magazines to tuck away for the days, months, and years to