TulsaPets Magazine January 2024

24 TulsaPets • January / February 2024 F riday, February 2, is Groundhog Day, woohoo! In honor of this wonderful tradition, I’ve been inspired to write an article perfectly suited to … groundhogs, with a nod to the movie Groundhog Day. (Surprise!) Many of us know this famous romantic comedy, wherein Bill Murray is time- warped through multiple Groundhog Days to improve himself as a suitor and finally win Andie McDowell’s heart. Bottom line: With enough chances, anyone can get it right. Live every day as Groundhog Day! Why not? Actually, Groundhog Day originated in ancient Rome. Romans depended on hibernating animals such as hedgehogs to predict when weather would warm. The tradition spread through Europe — much like Roman roads — and became a pagan celebration. Because it fell on a cross-quar- ter day between solstice and equinox, the date fit into hopeful predictions for how crops would fare. The Celts adopted the superstition, and in their flexible fashion, began to use badgers as their prognosticating hibernator when hedgehogs weren’t available. Chris- tianity spread through European tribes, and like many other religious holidays, the event was absorbed — just renamed Can- dlemas by those of German descent. Then as America began settlement, those very Germans — now the Pennsylvania Dutch — heralded the end of winter that way. But (insert “Uh-oh” here) there were no hedgehogs hanging around Pennsylvania. What to do? Fortunately, groundhogs had been discovered by then, and they made great hibernating critter substitutes; thus the honor was passed on. Farmers looked to this furry fellow to see — or not see — his shadow on February 2, thus predicting either another six weeks of winter or that spring had sprung. Not all states depend on a ground- hog weatherman; Oregon eschews such and prefers a hedgehog named FuFu in honor of the past European icons used. The hedgies boast better accuracy — 53 percent compared to 23 percent from Team Groundhog. Texans turn to Bob the Armadillo, and North Carolinians choose A sleepy baby groundhog gets a head start on hibernation. Photo by Kathy Locker.