TulsaPets Magazine July 2021
22 TulsaPets • July/August 2021 Celebrating Decades of Devotion Animal Aid of Tulsa turns 60 By Amy Greene A nimal Aid of Tulsa was founded in 1961 by Helen Dawson. For 60 years, the organization has upheld its mission: “to rescue sick, injured or abused stray cats and dogs in Tulsa, Okla- homa, and help them find loving forever homes.” As “one of the oldest animal welfare organizations in our com- munity,” Animal Aid of Tulsa has continuously battled the worst cases, rescued animal outcasts and helped them find loving homes, and educated the public about animal rights and respect. Animal Aid’s mission has been partially funded through its thrift store, located at 3307 E. 15th St., for decades. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the thrift store’s doors were temporarily closed. This summer, however, the organization is undergoing renovations at its new location at 6811 East 21st St., purchased on March 30, 2021. Michelle Morris, president of Animal Aid of Tulsa, says the property will provide a new and improved thrift store on an acre of land that will allow for expansion to include an adoption center in the future. “We are grateful to the community, individuals and rescue partners who allow us to carry on our mission,” she says. “We could not be more thankful to benefactors who have contributed to a new building fund through the years, allowing us to finally purchase this property, and to the many donors who helped us continue our mission throughout the pandemic, mostly without thrift store income. “2020 was difficult; the store was closed for most of it, but we never stopped saving lives. We have helped somewhere around 10,000 animals in the Tulsa community in our 60 years, and we plan to help at least another 10,000 or more. Animal Aid of Tulsa is here for the homeless, sick and injured cats and dogs of Tulsa when our community has a need, and we have the support of our wonderful volunteers, donors and shoppers. “Our new store will be bright and open, and we will offer a wide variety of items, from clothing to jewelry to small fur- nishings, bedding, lamps, vintage items, antiques, artwork, pet supplies, gardening items, live plants and just about anything else you can imagine. We can’t wait to see you all again!” The new facility will be home to “a spacious, open thrift store and … enough parking for all our wonderful customers,” according to Animal Aid’s spring 2021 newsletter. The full-acre property will fea- ture secure fencing, a permanent shipping container for the donation intake area and the future multi-use adoption center. The new property has no firm open- ing date yet because of a delay in permit approval due to the City of Tulsa’s website being hacked as well as the rising cost of building materials. Consequently, Animal Aid of Tulsa is reaching out to its donor partners and the community for help. In addition to ongoing fundraisers, a com- memoration fundraiser event will take place this fall to celebrate 60 years of serving the Tulsa community as well as to raise money for their cause and new facility. How YOU can help: Donate at animalaid.org. Checks and gift cards to Amazon, Chewy, Walmart or Sam’s Club, to order supplies directly, are always needed and can be mailed to 3307 E. 15th St., Tulsa, OK 74112. Select Animal Aid of Tulsa on the Round- up App, purchase items on Animal Aid of Tulsa’s Amazon Wish List, or when making your own Amazon purchases, consider Animal Aid as your AmazonSmile recipient and support a good cause no matter what you are buying. Animal Aid of Tulsa is also looking for a commercial washer/dryer and a dishwasher for their new facility and seeking contributions toward secure fencing. Become a foster or adopt. Animal Aid of Tulsa is a foster-based rescue and is always looking for great foster homes and forever homes for its rescued animals. They cover all expenses associated with fostering. The application can be found at animalaid.org/foster. Help the build! “Our new property and expansion bring about many opportuni- ties to help. In addition to remodeling the store, we will need fencing, parking lot resurfacing and are excited to be adding a Catio, cat room, dog meet and greet room, and two small offices,” Morris says. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate materials or help, anything is welcome. Please reach out to Karen Nielsen, project manager, at karensnielsen@gmail.com. Spread the word by following and shar- ing with your family and friends. Follow @animalaidtulsa on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Attend an event. For a list of activities, check out animalaid.org/events. Give financially online at animalaid.org/donate, or mail your check to the original location at 3307 E. 15th St., Tulsa, OK 74112. ADOPT – DONATE – SHOP Future home of Animal Aid Thift Store
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