TulsaPets Magazine July 2021
July/August 2021 • TulsaPets 23 PET-FRIENDLY PATIOS Enjoy some of America’s Top Pizza* on one of Andolini’s pet-friendly patios. Plenty of choices all around the metro. *As chosen by Trip Advisor Louie and Andolini’s owner Mike Bausch at Andolini’s on Cherry Street ANDOPIZZA andopizza.com @ANDOPIZZA 8134 S Harvard Ave • 918-481-0440 • http://danner.vet DA N G . DA NN E R DVM, BS 43 Years Full Service Veterinary for Small Animals and Exotic Pets ADOPT, THEN SHOP AT FETCH. www.fetchtulsa.shopset t ings.com F R E E F O O D , T R E A T , A N D S U P P L E M E N T W I T H Y O U R D O G & C A T A D O P T I O N S T OG E T H E R ! 918-943-5458 7891 E 108th St Suite X-18, Tulsa A DV E N T U R E • Complete Veterinary Care • Surgery • Ultrasound • Geriatrics • Dentistry • Dental Radiography • Nutrition • Pharmacy • Cat-Friendly 3750 S. Peoria • Tulsa, OK 74105 • 918-748-4400 • www.riverbrookpetvet.com Lauren R. Davied, DVM / Jana K. Layton, DVM / Rachael E. Baldwin, DVM Where you and your pet are family. PUPPY & MANNERS CLASSES OBEDIENCE & RALLY NOSEWORK AGILITY CONFORMATION CANINE GOOD CITIZEN 918-834-3566 4411 S. 91ST E. AVE. companiondogschool.com T E A C H I N G R E S P O N S I B L E D O G O W N E R S H I P RORIE Serving people and the animals they LOVE. Kevin Long, DVM Ashlea Wulf, DVM Don Schmidt, DVM Dennis Henson, DVM Katie Holley, DVM Christine Martin, DVM Shane Murray, DVM Emily Wilkinson, DVM Kristyn Nix, DVM t 918 893 3400 f 918 893 3402 reception@goodshepherdvets.com goodshepherdvets.com 2280 N. 9th Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (Just south of 61st Streeet on Lynn Lane) Monday to Friday 7:00am - 7:00pm | Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
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