TulsaPets Magazine July 2021

July/August 2021 • TulsaPets 31 Danner Veterinary Hospital Dan G. Danner, DVM, BS T ulsa has been blessed with a large community of high-quality veterinarians and veterinary hospitals. I have seen explosive growth in the quality and care that evolved over the last four decades! The vast majority of DVMs in the area have always been gracious and sharing in the care and needs of Tulsa’s pets.  It has been a pleasure to work with and assist these individuals since I moved back to Tulsa in 1980. I am honored to be highlighted in this DVM edition of TulsaPets along with the other featured veterinarians. Many cities only have one emergency clinic, if that, and Tulsa has several to choose from. Due to COVID-related concerns, people have acquired many more small pets and exotics for us to care for as well.  Fortunately, there are about a half dozen DVMs who treat many of these exotics. Please call and secure a relationship early. Do not wait until you have an emergency situation. It is surprising how important it is to have annual checkups and find information on general health care, nutrition and other various concerns early to avoid emergency issues. As far as the demand for the more advanced general pet care and surgeries go, it is being met as never before!   I graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1978 and have been practicing veterinary medicine and surgery for over 43 years. I came back to Tulsa in 1980 after treating exotics at a private practice that takes care of Lion Country Safari in the Dallas Metroplex. I also enjoyed several years at a 24/7 emer- gency practice that covered the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.  This is where I learned the more advanced techniques and surgeries with which we are able to better care for our Tulsa friends and family pet members. It is important in doing general mouth work, which includes X-rays and root canals on “lions and tigers and bears, oh my” and monkeys, etc., taking our practice to a level that is top tier. That is just one level of services that we offer.  Please visit danner.vet  to see many fun and unusual animals we care for and surgeries we perform. Clients come from all over Northeastern Oklahoma and beyond for our specialty surgeries, i.e., orthopedics and ear cropping. We have a loving, high-quality, caring staff for all of your pet’s needs.  As always, communication with pet owners and letting them know what to honestly expect is extremely important so they can best assist in the recovery of their family pet. Thank you, Tulsa, for all your support, especially over the last two COVID years! Crestwood Crossing Animal Hospital Phil McKinney, DVM F or Dr. McKinney, no story can top his most memorable and terrifying moment of veterinary practice. An “oldie but goodie” classic—the time he boarded a snow leopard. “Over 30 years ago, I owned a small animal/farm animal practice on the shores of Lake Keystone near Mannford and treated the occasional exotic pet as well,” he shares. “I had a client at that time who owned a snow leopard, weighing ap- proximately 100 pounds, and the client needed to leave town unexpectedly and asked if I could board the snow leopard for two to three days. I reluctantly agreed to help him out of a jam and took her in. “Everything went well until the third day when “Sasha” the snow leopard decided she had enough and wasn’t going back in her cage—she was having none of anything. She positioned herself menacingly in front of the kennel room exit so that my- self and my kennel attendant could not get out. We brilliantly decided to get up into the bathing tub and remove a ceiling tile from the suspended ceiling, hoisting ourselves up into the crawl space and through the facility into the front office. “But there was one problem: the snow leopard decided she would jump up into the ceiling as well! Now we could hear her walking above us and out into the common overhang above the sidewalk, and, in moments, she had passed the medical doctor’s office next door and eventually fell through the ceiling tiles into a human pharmacy two doors down from my vet office! People running everywhere! The facility was abandoned and the doors locked. “Meanwhile, Sasha just hung out in the pharmacy until her owner arrived within the hour to retrieve her and take her safe- ly home. I am happy to say that neither Sasha nor any persons were harmed in this most embarrassing of moments.” TulsaPets Magazine DVM Annual Feature