TulsaPets Magazine March 2021

32 TulsaPets • March/April 2021 1. Labeled treat jars — These jars are labeled for each animal and contain their specific treats! Get Organized With Tips From ‘Stay Golden Organizing’ A ubry Mayfield and Lauryl Pingel are two teachers who share a love for Golden Retrievers and all things col- or-coded and organized. The two women founded Stay Golden Organizing to help others make their homes more functional and aesthetically pleasing. “Our goal is to help people clean out and organize areas in their home so that they can have a clearer mind,” they say. If you, too, are ready for some clarity, their following advice will have you on your way! PARE DOWN Do an edit of your items and make sure you aren’t keeping things around that you no longer use or need. Here’s some pet-re- lated clutter to tackle first. • Try to only have one extra of items if needed. “For example, we only keep one extra leash around for our pups. We actually keep ours in the car because you never know when you’re going to need a dog leash—for your own pup or someone else’s!” • Is your dog’s toy bin overflowing? Go through each toy and toss damaged ones in the trash. • “Every six months, we recommend checking the expiration dates on your pet’s medicines.” Check with your vet to see if it’s safe to use past the expiration dates, but toss them if they’re no longer needed. • If your vet keeps digital records of your pet’s health visits, there’s no need to keep all those paper vet receipts since he or she can retrieve that information for you. Make a file for your pet of any spe- cific documents that you need to keep. • Any toys, leashes, extra pet food, etc., can always be used by a pet in need! Research rescue organizations in your area to donate these items. “We love taking pet items to the animal shelter, and Fetch Tulsa also takes donations.” Left to right, Lauryl Pingel, Aubry Mayfield with Honey, Olly and Finn 6. Canned food on can steps — These can steps work great for people food cans, but they’re just as helpful for storing your pet’s canned food. It allows you to see everything you have, especially if you have a picky eater! 7. Pet food container — Pouring your pet’s food from the bag into a durable large pet food container (from a retailer such as Amazon or Target) helps save on space and makes it easier to feed your animal. STORAGE SOLUTIONS “We’re all about function and style, so why not store your pets’ items in a cute way that’s also easy to use and access in your everyday life?” 4. Animal clothes by type in reusable bags with labels — These durable bags from Amazon work perfectly for storing your pet’s clothes. “We always add labels to make it even easier for you to find what you’re looking for.” 5. Grooming caddy — Keeping your pets’ groom- ing supplies in a caddy is the best way to go. You can easily tote it around the house for a quick grooming session. 2. Cat toys in a jar — The jar is helpful to put away the toys each evening and for storing extras. 3. Animal medicines on a lazy Susan— Lazy Susans make everything easy to access and see what you have. Make sure to measure your space before picking one out to ensure it will fit properly.