TulsaPets Magazine March 2023
42 Tuls aPets • March /April 2023 WILL YOUR BUSINESS PURCHASE AN AD FOR A LOCAL RESCUE? We will do all the work as far as ad design and content. All you need to do is open your wallet for a rescue. It can make a huge difference in the life of an innocent animal who is facing euthanasia through no fault of its own. SO WE’RE ASKING FOR YOUR HELP. WILL YOU HELP A LOCAL PET RESCUE IN 2023? As you may well know, our shelters are at over-the-top capacity, and our local rescue organizations are drowning in vet bills. They’re also short on fosters, volunteers, and donations. It’s a sad, critical situation for our stray and sheltered animals. Please contact Marily n King at (918) 520-0622 or mking@tulsapetsmagazine.com if you can help with the homeless animals. Making Tulsa neighborhoods and their cats safer and healthier. Humanely reducing cat population using Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return. Proudly Sponsored by Mary Murray’s Flowers ttowntnr.com | ttowntnr@gmail.co m Non-profit, all-volunteer, supported entirely by donations.
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