TulsaPets Magazine May 2022

918-960-2828 | 6589 E BA Frontage RD Tulsa, OK 74145 | AngelsPetFuneralHome.com Grief is Hard E ach person reacts to the death of their pet differently, and each individual’s grief is personal. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to grieve, but there are feelings and effects that many people experience after the death of their pet. Please note that not everyone will experience these feelings, and if you do not experience them, that does not mean that you are not grieving the correct way. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: You may experience headaches or stomachaches after your pet has died, that are new or not caused by another illness. You may feel hollow or empty inside, or like a part of you is missing. You may have trouble sleeping or sleep too much. You may feel exhausted for no reason, or the simplest tasks may seem to use all the energy you have. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS: You may sense your pet is still with you, or think you see them out of the corner of your eye. You may have trouble concentrating or be thinking of your pet constantly. You may think that you hear them or have dreams of them at night. BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS: After your pet has died, you may not want to be around other animals. You may carry around mementos of your pet. You may avoid reminders of them, such as not driving by the dog park, avoiding going on the street you used to take walks on, etc. Know that grief affects every sense of our being, it is not just an emotion that we feel. When you are able to recognize the areas that grief affects your life, you can better support yourself.