TulsaPets Magazine May 2023
34 TulsaPets • May / June 2023 TURN YOUR PET INTO A MASTERPIECE Pet Portraits by Hilary OIL ON CANVAS PORTRAITS FROM PET PHOTOS Hilary Clark | Text 918.230.8652 | hjc0886@outlook.com www.zooberpettaxi.com 918-896-4207 Serving Tusa and surrounding areas Affordable prices! Book a ride today! ANDOLINI’S LOVES OUR FOUR-LEGGED FRIENDS! Visit any of our pet-friendly patios across all our Andolini's Worldwide concepts. Visit andolinisworldwide.com for more information. C EDARWOOD V ETERINARY C LINIC ROBERT W. POTEET, D.V.M. 1412 S Harvard Ave • Tulsa, OK 74112 • 918-749-6588 • Fax 918-749-6695
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