TulsaPets Magazine Nov/Dec 2020
November/December 2020 • TulsaPets 23 S treet C atS , I nC . 6520 E. 60th St. (60th & S. Sheridan) | Tulsa, OK 74145 www.streetcatstulsa.org | 918.298.0104 (message line) Tuesday—Saturday: 10:30 am—5:00 pm All volunteer non profit adoption center and gift boutique JOSIE It’s snuggle weather and I’m a great lap cat to snuggle with. I’m Josie and I love to be on laps and groomed and loved on. My birthday is 9/22/2005, but I still need a home for the rest of my life and I plan to live a long time! Come to StreetCats and let me win you over with my snuggle. Happy Pawlidays from all of us at StreetCats!
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