TulsaPets Magazine Nov/Dec 2020

40 TulsaPets • November/December 2020 WRITTEN BY: Mary Green T his has been the most challenging year in my life, and I suspect it may be the same for many of you as well. The holidays likely will look very different this year—possibly with less travel and less gatherings. In previous years because of the hustle and bustle of the season, the general wisdom is that pets are not presents. We’re told don’t give a pet as a present to your kids as they will soon grow bored, and the pet will be ignored. Many holiday pups and kittens end up in animal shelters and rescue groups before spring. This year, though, while pets should not be given as presents, maybe this is a good time to get a pet. With more people working from home, more distance learning, taking staycations rather than vacations, there’s more time at home to spend with a pet. If the time is not right to adopt a pet, consider fostering a shelter animal during the holidays. Fewer pets in the shelter lightens the load and allows shelter staff a much-needed break. When COVID-19 hit and people were sheltering in place, many shelters were able to get all their animals into foster homes. And there were many lucky pets who were adopted by their fosters. There are many benefits to owning pets. Pets help us to not feel lonely or isolated— especially in 2020. Their antics make us laugh and elevate our mood. Just petting an animal can lower our blood pressure and heart rate. If you are considering adopting a pet during the holiday season—or anytime—here are some considerations: • Do you have pets already? What is their experience with visiting animals? Have you ever had multiple pets? Would your pet welcome a buddy, or would it be too stressful? • Are you financially able to provide for a pet’s needs? Even routine vaccinations and wellness exams can be costly. Flea, tick and heartworm medications are essential and not inexpensive. Consider a pet insurance policy to cover accidents and illnesses. • Consider size, exercise, feeding and grooming requirements before you adopt. • Adding a pet in your life should never be done on impulse. • Do you have backup care? Who would take care of your pet(s) should you become sick or incapacitated? • Are you ready to share some love with a pet? Then go for it! For some, the holidays are not an appropriate time to add something as significant as a pet to their lives—as it is a commitment for life. However, for others, the additional time off and more time spent at home might prove to be the perfect time to add a new family member! CPDT-KA: Certified Professional Dog Trainer Knowledge Assessed; CDBC: Certified Dog Behavior Counselor; CNWI: Certified Nose Work Instructor K9 Manners & More | Broken Arrow Home for the Holidays (To Adopt or Not—A Guide to Acquiring a Pet During the Holidays)