TulsaPets Magazine November 2021

November/December 2021 • TulsaPets 23              € ‚ƒ„…€ € † ‡ˆ…‚ ‚‰ Š  Š ‹ ˆŒ‰Œ‚ † Ž €   €  & Animal Dental Clinic of Tulsa well as fastidious. When they do breed, gestation is about a month, and litters can run up to a dozen kits. Buns-of-size orig- inated in cooler climates — think mild European summers but chilly winters. Flemish Giants are known for birth- ing litters in the snow without a second thought, but their hearts can give out when left in a backyard during an Okla- homa summer. One charming note: It’s not hard to tell the mamas from the papas — look for the dewlap on a female. These are stretchy, pudgy, generous double-chins that evolved for Mama Buns to snuggle around their kits at night, just like built-in “blankies,” which furthers the “awwwwwww” factor for me. (Wouldn’t it be nice to exalt dou- ble-chins? But I digress.) Should you now be jonesing for this large a love, here are a few more pointers: 1. Read up on rabbit relationships. Your bun will stay healthy with clean and ample housing, a proper diet, occasional brushing and climate control — but will thrive with your attention. They’re bright animals and can learn far more than previously known. Flemish are more passive than Continentals, who are more playful. Understand their personality needs. 2. Be aware they can live up to 10 years or more, and stay on top of checkups with your vet. Lagomorphs are animals whose teeth never stop growing; the right food is very import- ant to direct this growth. They’re prone to ear mites, and ticks love rabbit ears. They’re very sensitive to certain smells: predator musk or urine, blood, ammo- nia, garlic and more. Being as heavy as they are, thin wire foundations in a hutch can cause toe and hock prob- lems. Understand their physical needs. 3.Research your breeder. The Big Three of enormous buns are Flemish Giants, Continental Giants and Giant Chinchillas (the only big buns originat- ing from America). Colors are defined and restricted by registration. Can they prove lineage? What does their facility look like? Will they guide you in care- taking, and do they request the rabbits be returned if you can’t give them a proper home? Understand your sources. Then get on a list and stay patient. After all, it’s worth it — if you really want somebunny to love.