TulsaPets Magazine September 2021

September/October 2021 • TulsaPets 31 BRED, RAISED AND SOLD LOCALLY Have lineage and in TPG Database Raised in loving home as part of family 307-299-8534 www.bluemoongliders.com money is the most needed donation, families can also collect and donate pet food, pet toys, cleaning supplies and more. • Help your child organize a pet food drive at school, church or in the neighborhood. • Empower your children to write letters to local legislators promoting anticruelty and humane animal laws. • Tour Oklahoma rescue operations and animal sanctuaries, including Bella Foundation, the Oklahoma Primate Sanctuary, the Endangered Ark Elephant Foundation, Second Chance Animal Sanctuary and many more. • Let your children “practice” being kind to animals while they play or teach them about pet care with their favorite stuffed animals. Include a visit to a local vet so kids can talk about how their stuffed “pet” is feeling. • Go on a hike and talk about the animals and insects you see. • Take a pledge through the nonprofit organization American Humane, which challenges people to commit to protecting and improving the lives of millions of animals. Adults and children alike can sign an online pledge declaring their belief that all creatures should be treated with compassion. • Adopt an animal in need from a local shelter. For more information about animal compassion, visit the Kirkpatrick Foundation at kirkpatrickfoundation.org or the Oklahoma Humane Society at okhumane.org. 104 N Gilcrease MuseumRd | Tulsa, OK 74127 | 918-585-9369 www.pawsitiveveterinarycare.us Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 5:30 pm | Sat 8 -11 am Jennifer Anderson, D.V.M.