TulsaPets Magazine September 2021

32 TulsaPets • September/October 2021 ULTRASOUND The Window inside Your Pet’s Health Use Technology Proactively for the Welfare of Your Animals by Nancy Gallimore I n my not-so-professional opinion, my dog Bruce is suffering from a case of “ADR.” In layman’s terms, that means he Ain’t Doing Right. Although there is noth- ing dramatically wrong with Bruce, my gut feeling is stuck on that ADR diagnosis for a few reasons. Bruce is an older guy, likely about 12 years give or take, and some sort of bully breed or mix. At his peak, he was possibly a bit intimidating in appearance. But now with a face sprinkled in soft gray highlights and a gait that has slowed from charge to saunter, he is taking on the appearance of an old man who still wants to come across as gruff, but the years have rendered him undeniably sweet instead. Bruce’s once muscular nearly 80-pound physique now tips the scales just under 70 pounds, and his ribs are a bit too promi- nent for my liking. In addition to weight loss, Bruce’s appetite is a bit off, and he has thrown up a few times here and there recently. Again, nothing seems consistent or profound but is certainly cause for investigation. So my first step was to head off to the vet