TulsaPets Magazine September 2022
September / October 2022 • TulsaPets 15 STAFF ON SITE 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS AWEEK IS ANYONE STAYINGWITH YOUR DOGS TONIGHT? • All-suite boarding. No cages. • Comfort care available for special needs dogs. • Boarding price includes daycare, use of the dog’s own food and medications. • Owned and managed by a retired veterinarian. 9525 E. 47th Place, Tulsa, OK 74145 918-949-6070 dogville-daycare.com Through client education, illness and preventive care, we are invested in your pet’s health and well-being. We promote kindness to all creatures, and kindness to each other. Stacey Smith, DVM 4651 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 747-8561 www.brooksidepetvet.com HEALTHCARE WITH HEART! TRY OUR PATIO. Everyplace is better with your dog along! 203 E Archer St. | Tulsa,OK (918) 728-7778 https://lonewolftulsa.com Mid-Continent Kennel Club of Tulsa, Inc. Responsible Dog Ownership Day Southern Agriculture - 26th & Harvard Theme: Trick Dog Activities: Meet The Breed, Canine Good Citizenship Testing, Trick Dog Demo and more…. Raffle: To Benefit Meals on Wheels’ PAWS Program For time and additional information, visit www.tulsakennelclub.com SATURDAY SEPT. 17 TULSA EST. 1921 M I D - C O N T I N E N T K E N N E L C L U B O F T U L S A T U L S A , O K L A H O M A
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