TulsaPets Magazine September 2022

September / October 2022 • TulsaPets 35 behavior by pairing it with what motivates the dog (food, praise, love, toys, attention). Most dogs respond very well to a high-val- ue reinforcement (don’t forget those quail remnants). Food is necessary for a dog’s sur- vival; therefore, it is a powerful motivator. The opposite of reinforcement, fo- cusing on stopping a behavior, is called punishment. Adding something to stop an undesirable behavior is called positive punishment. That occurs when the proba- bility that a behavior will occur decreases because something unpleasant happens after the behavior occurs. Some of us grew up hearing, “If you don’t stop talking, you can take yourself out in the hall for a paddling.” (That might have been me on a couple of occasions.) That paddling is positive punish- ment (adding swats to stop the talking after you were talking). Punishment does not teach a learning dog what to do instead of the problem behavior. Dogs do learn alter- native, incompatible behaviors when you use reinforcement to mark those behaviors. Here are three important points shared by Dr. Siracusa regarding shock collars: 1 Humans learn that if something harms us, we avoid or protect ourselves so we do not get hurt. Humans have the ability to choose. Dogs are captive animals and cannot freely choose or decide. An example might be that when a dog cannot escape something he is fearful of, if he is on the end of the leash, he might bark and lunge. The dog will learn that being offensive or aggressive is the best defense. When you use shock in this situation, the dog perceives something dangerous, maybe an approach- ing stranger or dog, associated with the pain he feels from the shock collar. On other occasions, you are changing the response when you shock the dog, and often, he will “freeze.” People interpret freezing as a good outcome. In reality, the dog is frozen in fear. You are compounding the fear. The dog is not learning because he is in lifesaving mode. The dog is now in a flight, fight, or freeze mode and will often become aggressive and will escalate inappropriate behaviors. 2 When you use a shock collar, excitable or nervous dogs are more likely to develop or are at a higher risk of developing excessive fear and aggression. The temper- ament of the dog influences the response to punishment. If the dog is anxious or stressed, it can be upset easily. Studies have shown that many working and sporting dogs are bred and selected to be more aroused and excitable. When you use a shock collar with those dogs, the probability of aggressive behaviors increases significant- ly. Punishment increases anxiety, fear, and aggression. Fear is the basis of aggression. 3 People are not so good at training. To be effective, punishment should come in a very well-timed sequence (consistency, timing, and intensity). The use of shock col- lars is very unpredictable. Studies show that if a dog is in control of the shock, the stress is lower for the dog. When a shock collar is used, the dog is not in control and often associates something negative happening to it with the owner. That can greatly affect the bond between the owner and dog and can have disastrous and lasting effects on the relationship. What is your goal for your dog? To have a great family pet that trusts you? You must carefully consider the effect of your training techniques on your dog. Forcing dogs to comply by using shock methods does not enhance the human-an- imal bond, nor does it provide a healthy learning environment. Even on the lowest setting, shock is an unpredictable and unknown stimulus, which is frightening and painful. It is an aversive technique. That adds to a dog’s overall fear, stress, and anxiety. Remember that fear and anxiety of- ten are the underlying conditions that result in many aggressive behaviors. A dog who is subjected repeatedly to aversive treatment will often shut down, which can be mistak- en for a “good and well-behaved pet.” Nancy Gallimore, CPDT-KA, owner of Pooches in Tulsa, has observed many dogs who have been trained with shock devic- es who are very shut down. She explains, “These dogs are complying, but it is to avoid discomfort, not because they are learning a new behavior and working as a partner with their handler.” Using a shock collar is not training acceptable or more appropriate behaviors in your dog. It is important to teach your dog appropriate behaviors, behaviors that are incompatible with the inappropriate ones. The fallout of shock collars is a measurable increase of those problematic behaviors. A Chance To Choose Why would you treat your dog that way? One reason is because you can. Shock col- lars are legal in the United States, but many countries have outlawed them. In a recent study, 70 percent of dog owners think shock collars have a negative impact on their pet’s emotion or mental well-being and should be outlawed, whereas 69 percent consider shock collars a cruel training method. Many veterinarians believe shock collars are inhumane and should be outlawed. They have observed many injured, behav- iorally damaged dogs. People today often desire a “quick fix.” With dogs, there is no “quick fix.” They take a bit longer to reach than most humans. Dr. Siracusa reminds us, “Dogs are very simple creatures, like human infants and toddlers. We need to remember to be pa- tient and understanding, allowing our dogs’ strengths to develop. Find a way to obtain your goals, if possible, using what your dog likes to do. Remember to give your dog a chance to choose.” If you have a dog that you need help training, seek a licensed trainer who uses positive reinforcement. Most dog owners desire a companion, a family pet. It is cru- cial to work with a trainer who understands how to achieve a strong human-animal bond. Several themes are embedded in the human-animal bond: Animals are depen- dent on humans for their basic needs and welfare; pets are sensitive and have feelings; animals and humans are capable of commu- nicating with and learning from one anoth- er, forming relationships that are mutually beneficial. The term bond has connotations suggesting that a relationship is binding and strong and involves trust. Domestic animals have a natural tendency to create a bond with people. Do you want to risk destroying the bond you have developed with your dogs? They trust you. I hope this article has provided you with the knowledge to make an educated decision on the type of treatment you will allow with your dog. Below, I am providing helpful resources and names of organiza- tions that have drafted statements against the use of shock collars and why. Happy Tails, Karen Three Oaks Animal Behavior Counseling LLC Click on the link for helpful references and resources: https://animalbehaviorok.com/ shocking-truth-about-shock-collars/ .